Mees van den Beemt
In the history of the Netherlands, our people experienced a disaster we call the "watersnoodramp". A great flood which caused many lives to be lost. We have a special museum dedicated to it in Zeeland. Said museum comissioned our class to make animations about the dangers of water for an exposition. Together with Oscar Keemink, we set out to tell a story about how life goes on. Even during extreme circumstances. Our animation follows Kai. He's a normal dude in a world where the watersnoodramp didn't happen. As such, the dams over there are weaker than the ones in the real world. Kai gets caught up in a similar experience like the watersnoodramp. We follow him on his was to get some food: Kibbeling.
My jobs for this animation: Background art, background animation (water effects and stuff), frame by frame animation, sound design, music, some Blender modeling and video editing.